Sunday, May 22, 2011

Potty TIME!!

Kaleigh is Finally potty trained!!!! I've spent the last few months stressing over the fact she is not potty trained, she would come up to me tell me she is wet or dirty! Everyone kept telling me she'll get it, when she does she'll start telling you she needs to go, and just last week she was doing alright but NOW she is going on the big girl potty always. We still do pull ups at night time but thats just in case, most of the time she wakes up dry.. Just one more baby to go! and well he wont be ready for a few years probably. Who knows, I"m just so excited that kaleighs going on the potty, ITs party time for the potty trainee!
Collins also rolls over to get toys and little things around him he starting to take kaleighs toys and she not so excited about sharing with him but i'm sure she will once she realize he will have to share with her too!
Anyway kevin got a new job at a local gas station, working the 3- 11 shift 3 or 4 nights a week. so he will be working less but still have the same amount of hours he had working 6 days a week like 4 hour shifts,
I have been working and switched my Schedule just an hour different but it will be fore the better! We will have so much family time now it will be so nice. I love spending time with the kids and kevin.
Yesterday we went to a carnival that was very small in the mall parking lot it was a lot of fun! kaleigh was so brave and wanted to go on all the rides, she kinda had me worried at a few the pictures will be from that!
 Well i just thought i'd give a little update on whats going on right now i'm pretty busy lately so I dont have much time to write anything else!!!!!  ENJOY THE PICTURES!!

Kaleigh riding in the train.

elephant ride!

she went high in the sky!!

kaleigh horse, she won with choosing a duck

kaleigh and her horse

collin sleeping!

Kaleigh driving!! watch out world!
I almost didnt let kaleigh ride this BUT SHE insisted and was tall enough so i let her...

she loved it!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

In a Music Moment

In a music moment.
Sitting, and listing
Finding a whole new meaning to each song.
Songs I Love.
Feeling the intense moment of when you dont want the song to be over,
Wishing to linger in the lyrics for just a bit longer.
but then it ends before you can hit repete.
a song with a new bet comes on
And you're all wraped up again.
Thoughts and feelings have always been attached to certain songs for me.
Some Certain songs make me think of certain people.

I have been listineing to music to help me sleep lately. I love a good song. This came to me the other night when I was listening to a song i loved years ago, and found a whole new meaning. I Love songs with clever lyrics and a good beat, some songs I like because what they say, I dont even like how it sounds. Thats a very rare occation though...
Also I've always loved sheets of music. I love the way notes look...

Just today I got a call from work saying they are going to move me to a CRA1 (which is one step closer to customer service)!! I'm very excited. I start my training for it this week, I'm really hoping it means more hours  and I'll be able to do more with customers. (and probably get paid more!) Yesterday was mothers day  I had a wonderful time with Kevin, Kaleigh, and Collin. It was so nice to spend time just us and really get to enjoy eachother. We had a great time at the lake (fishing) and just doing Family stuff all day. Playing games and We went on a Crazy long walk to subway (which is a mile away or so)...  Kevin Cooked me supper which was amazing. It was just some good time together, with out feeling like we had to be some where. This week is going to be crazy i'll update you on things when i know....
here some pictures of my weekend.

Kaleigh Blowing bubbles

Kaleigh and I

My Very Happy Boy

Collin Playing. almost always a Smile on his face
unless he is Hungery.