My life is an ever changing story and i love every minute of it. I love My little family of 4. Kevin, Kaleigh, Collin, and myself. Trying to Follow the path god puts down before me. I want to be a preschool teacher, and some day i hope to publish a book of my poems.I have a passion for writing but i have issues with spelling, I love taking pictures and looking at pictures, music is the beat that follows threw my vains. I love quotes and Poems.
Ever since I can remember Music has inspired me so much. I always like to say music is the beat the flows through my vains. I actually started to write because I secreatly wanted to become a singer and have my music impact everyone that heard it. I'm not an amazing singer by any means, I also did not want to be Famous like the celebertys today because they have no private life. I started to write in 5th grade think at some point in every girls life they keep a diary. I got so tired of writing about my day and it always seeming to be the same that I deside that I should write songs. I always like Cleaver lyrics and things with a deeper meaning than they seem to appear to have. So this is how I came about to writing my poems I some how feel this back storys need for the rest of the post.. I have a ipod, which my lovely husband bought for me... Yesterday One of my favorite songs right before I meet Kevin was Fly Away By Paul Wright. I came upon this song Via cell phone ring tones, got to love the way you find things.... Anyway. I just love the song so much I used good to find the lyrics and Myspace to find the song. I'm not so sure why I'm being so Specific all of a sudden but I guess I feel the need to... I've had an obsession with flying. I love the freeness in it. the ability to go where ever, when ever. This song Fit my life like a glove, or I guess it would be better to say what I wanted in life.. It was amazing.
Here is the Video so you can hear the song.
here are some poems about music...
Title: Music Fades
I live my life like it was a song.
its kinda one of those slow song
that you never really feel like your going to reach the end
the music flows
sometimes it fades in and out
But the fading never last that long
so crank up the volume
so you dont have to deal with the rest of the world
But i cant wait till i get to the end of the song so i can play it all back and see why at some points it was better for the music to fade because things never seem to stay exactly the same. and then you can see the purpose of the fading in the song.
The music stops, so do my thoughts.
The batteries are low just like my soul.
The music lets me block out the world.
without it i am lost in my other thoughts
thoughts of things I shouldn't think
but they creep into my mind in their spare time.
i wrote that. one day when my batteries in my CD player died and i didn't have anymore left.