SO my sister-in-law did this awkward and awesome thing and i thought it was really cute and couldnt resist!Sydney from The Daybook invited us readers to participate in the Awkward and Awesome Thursdays! so here are some of my awkward and awesome moments!
* Taking my Kaleigh a 2 and 1/2 year old (who i'm trying to potty train) to a public bathroom because i have to go, and after i go having her clap and say "good girl mommy, now you can have candy!"
* Kaleigh starting conversations with complete strangers and having to repeat part of what she says because the person wasnt listening to her.
* getting your hair cut, and having the lady cutting your hair tell you that you have food in your hair.
* when your child says something and you have no idea what she talking about! (doesn't happen that often its usually just one or two words i dont understand.)
*People calling me Stephanie when i answer the phone at work. when i clearly say good afternoon Cabelas This is Tiffany, may i place an order for you today.
* having to tell the person your names NOT stephanie more than once. (half the time i dont even correct them anymore....)
* Someone trying to hit on you , then i explain i'm married and not interested and still have to stay on the phone with them for 5 or more mins to finish their order.
*the other day i made dinner all by myself (chicken Alfredo with garlic bread and chocolate chip cookies)
*your husband bring home cookies for you to bake when you wanted them and you didnt even tell him!
*getting the whole house clean
*Building a castle (aka Fort) in kaleighs room and eat pop corn in it.
*random text/ calls from people you didnt expect to hear from anytime soon.
*Kaleigh telling random strangers "i'm cute, look at my dress, its cute!" (at lest she has self esteem)
* Dinner and a movie at home!
* following a soap (days of our lives) thats 40 years old! its on every day! My mother in-law got me into it..
*your husband watching said soap with you because he use to watch it with his mom! :)
*dancing with kaleigh to my phone ringing.
okay thats all for now... i'll post something else later. maybe.
yay I loveee the awkward and awesome! I just did mine, too haha :) andd you should consider putting up your chicken alfredo recipe because I keep looking for a really good one and I have not fond one yet!
I LOVE your awkward and awesome moments! So funny!
I agree, can you post the recipe to your chicken alfredo? :) I've never made it before!
Love ya!
Like mother like daughter.
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