So I've been taking pictures of my flowers this year that we planted... They are so amazing!! To be honest, I never really "loved" flowers before. I like how the look and smell. I've always thought they smell good. This year i didnt get ALL my flowers because, My daughter kaleigh kept picking them Or the out rogues heat took em out as fast as they bloomed. I'm missing my rose bush, Daffodils, and some other plants i'm not really sure what they are called. Well My husband off hand remark how i should make a phone diary of our flowers because I'm always taking pictures of them...
Some of these pictures where taken with a cell phone so some of the pictures are blury. a few are Not in my garden. so i'll let ya know.
Flower my soul with overflowing beauty. -Me
My amazing Tulips
asiatic lilies (only orange one we got!!)
Lilium hot pink

this one is also from the flower garden in omaha.
star flower or somthing like that
ITS MY favortie. I think.
I love the vains and the shape.
I actually love almost every one of the flowers above.
I hope you like the flowers, a life update soon promise.
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